In This One Precious Life, a mysterious all-black interstellar visitor lands on Earth and is confronted with humanity's final moments. The journey is one of exploring all the emotions that exist when contemplating our place in the world and the inevitability of our mortality, an invitation to reflect on the preciousness of life and the beauty of the human experience. Disbelief, silent screams, hope, loneliness, vulnerability, pulsions of life, distant memories - all surfaces at once from the inside, flooding the character's experience and allowing for physical transformation until nothing is left. Black, stillness. Is there something we can rely on that can survive what we call death?
- I just want to make sure when I die, I'll be surrounded by people who love me and who I love back.
- But what about when they die?
- What do you mean?
- I mean at some point we are gonna die. Our kids are gonna die. Our kid's kids are gonna die. And at some point, no one on Earth will have existed. And at some point, the sun will explode and everyone will have died, and no one will know what I'm doing, and what I'm doing right now won't even matter. I'm just here surviving, spinning around on this endless circle.